Wholesale Pricing

Odor-Out Concentrated Multi-Purpose Deodorant

Odor Out will counteract and deodorize all malodors immediately.

Odor-Out is a versatile product for use in unlimited applications. It is a highly concentrated deodorant that
can be sprayed, mopped or wiped on any surface that is not harmed by water.

ODOR-OUT is added to shampoos, cleaners and rinse water to control undesirable odors in hospitals, nursing
homes, veterinary clinics, restrooms, food processing areas, etc.

It is also sprayed directly into garbage or refuse containers around waste accumulating areas.
Malodors are counteracted immediately.

1. When added to shampoos or rinse water use 2oz./ gallon (15 ml per litre) of liquid solution.
2. When used as a spray use 1 oz./U.S. gallon (8 ml/liter) of water.


Appearance .........................Clear
pH .......................................7.0 ± .1
Specific Gravity....................1.005 - 1.010
Flashpoint ............................None
Use Dilution .........................1 - 2 oz/gal. of water.
Percent of Free Alkali ..........None
Phosphate-Free ...................Yes
Storage Stability ..................Excellent, 1 year normal condition
Freeze-Thaw Stability ..........Will freeze; efficiency unaffected after thawing. Agitate product after thawing and before use.

VOC Compliant - VOC Free


9 lb
5 × 5 × 12 in
$ 56.20 CAD
$ 56.20 CAD