Cleans and Disinfects
64 Millennium Q delivers non-acid disinfection performance in an economical concentrate. 64 Millennium Q is for use on hard, non-porous surfaces in: Public restrooms, shower and bath areas, hospitals, dental offices, health care facilities, schools and colleges, athletic facilities and locker rooms, correctional facilities, hotels, day care centers and nurseries. * Kills Pandemic 2009 H1N1 influenza A virus.
This product, when used on hard, non-porous surfaces at 2 ounces per gallon of water, exhibits virucidal activity
against Hepatitis B (HBV), Hepatitis C (HCV), Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type I (HIV-1), and Norovirus.
Non-enveloped Viruses
This product is effective on Norovirus and Adenovirus Type 2.
When used as directed, this product is a concentrated hospital use disinfectant that is an effective broad spectrum bactericide that kills MRSA, CA-MRSA, VISA, VRE, and E. Coli.
Effective against Trichophyton mentagrophytes- athlete’s foot fungus, cause of Ringworm, on inanimate, hard, non-porous surfaces in locker rooms, dressing rooms, shower and bath areas, and exercise facilities.
This product controls the growth of mold and mildew, Aspergillus niger and their odors on hard, non-porous
At 8 ounces per gallon with a 10 minute contact time, this product is effective against Canine Parvovirus.
OSHA Bloodborne Pathhogen Act Compliant (when used at 2 ounces per gallon)
Appearance ........................Orange/Citrus Scent
pH (undiluted) ....................11.7
Flashpoint ...........................>200F
Dilutions .............................2 oz./gal., (703 ppm Quat)
% Active .............................4.5% Quat
Foam ..................................Low - moderate
Rinseability .........................Excellent
Storage Stability .................1 year under normal conditions
Freeze - Thaw Stability ........Passes three cycles
DIN No...............................DIN: 02435500